

Monday, October 3, 2011

Following in Daddy's Footsteps

Our family loves fall.  Caleb explained to us at dinner that it's fall, not winter or summer. Thanks, son, for the update!  I love the food, the colors, the chill in the air. Sigh. One of our favorite ways to enjoy the colors is to bike or walk around the college near our home. Today Caleb begged to ride his tricycle all the way down the street to the college. Teacher Man told Caleb that he could ride on the street as long as he followed Daddy's footsteps and stayed right behind him.  Caleb had several moments where he neglected to follow, wondering if it might just be safer or more fun to strike out on his own. As we reminded him gently to get behind his daddy, I had a deja vu moment.

I got chills as I realized my Heavenly Father has spoken the same thing into my own life.  He wants me to walk in His footsteps; but, despite His gentle reminders and His good gifts, I still act as if I had better ideas than the Creator of the universe.  So tonight I learned a lesson from my 2 year old.  Follow your Father.  Do not veer to the right or the left.  Trust that He goes before you and makes your paths straight.

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