Crazy weather. When we arrived I was sure all the winter coats and hats I packed would never be used. This morning we woke up, and it was WAY too cold to eat out on the screened-in porch where our tables and chairs are. So all the blankets and thermal shirts I packed are now going to good use.
And when it was too wet to play at the park this morning, Teacher Man took us on an adventure to…. Burger King! Hey… to a three year old, that’s an awesome quest. Plus, now that we’re back, it’s warming up a bit and the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds. It’s naptime (sigh…). All moms with little ones know how precious this time is.
This may sounds terrible, but I’ve been looking forward to these naptimes more than anything else. Children nestled in the cabin, sleeping snug and cozy with their blankies. Teacher Man and I on the back porch reading, blogging, talking life, looking at trees so vibrant they seem to be on fire. This is the stuff I want my whole life to be made of. Glorying in God’s creation, my God-given husband and best friend, the soft sounds of the lake hitting the shore. Have I mentioned that? Our cabin has its own pier (not that we need it), but that also means that our porch overlooks the lake surrounded in autumn trees.
All summer long, I missed that we weren’t taking a vacation. Now I’m so glad that we waited. No one else is here since it’s the middle of the week in October. So it’s us, the birds, the squirrels, and a few thousand trees at the peak of color. Oh, and the DNR people, who I’m pretty sure love the fact that our little guys are running around excited about everything they see. We’ve gotten a lot of smiles when they see Caleb ripping around the grounds on his red Radio Flyer tricycle.
So hurray for the fall retreat from the world. Not without it’s stressful moments, but totally worth it.