

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Floored by Grace

Mr. John lives across the street, and my sons love watching him come and go in his beautiful blue Ford Mustang. You see, Mr. John happens to be a Mustang enthusiast, which Caleb thinks is cool, as well as a John Deere collector, which Caleb thinks is even cooler.  Every so often, I hear a knock on my back door, and Mr. John passes on a different tractor that he thinks Caleb will enjoy.  Mr. John is a rock star in our house.  Then Sunday night, Mr. John showed up with this.  

I know.  Pretty cool, huh?  It's a reproduction of a 1930s pedal car.  Mr. John said that he was born in 1929, right before the Great Depression.  There had never been money for toys.  Fast-forward 80 years, and Mr. John has quite the collection. I'm humbled that he takes the time to tell his stories to my sons and even shares with our sons...
who are keeping our local university safe, one sidewalk at a time.

Love the details

This floored me when I saw it.  I don't know if this is by chance or a sweet gesture on John's part, but Caleb's name is embossed into the dash of his new wheels.  Unreal.

So I imagine this is how we will be spending every sunny day this winter... and this spring... and this summer.  And maybe Mr. John will come along with us one of these days for a stroll.  At least we know we'll be safe with a patrol car in our midst.  Humbled and grateful for this grace.  

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